Alex Houston
Director - Forensics and Valuations

Alex is a Chartered Accountant and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He is an experienced forensic accountant who has worked in the context of a wide range of dispute resolution, investigation and other forensic accounting cases.
Alex has taken instructions as a Party Appointed Expert and has significant experience of preparing expert reports, responsive report and attending meetings of experts and preparing joint statements. Alex has worked in the context of arbitral proceedings in many jurisdictions including ICC, UNCITRAL, SIAC, LCIA, ICSID and the Iran-US Claims Tribunal.
Alex’s dispute resolution experience includes breach of contract claims, post-acquisition warranty claims, loss of profits claims, contentious valuation and bilateral investment treat disputes. Alex has worked across a broad range of sectors but has a particular focus on disputes in the Energy sector including Oil & Gas and Renewable projects. Alex has recently been certified as an Expert in Climate & Renewable Energy Finance.
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